Tucson, Sarizona

I am so great! I am so great! Everybody loves me! I am so great!

25 January 2006

I Rock!

I am so proud of myself lately. I have been totally following my diet and exercise program. I don't know where this inspiration is coming from, but it's certainly not from inside me...it must be divine. Every night I'm like, "Nah, I'm not going to walk tonight. I'll clean the apt. a lot or something...that's like exercise, right?" Then I find myself walking an hour later. My new tagline for my life is "No Excuses, Fatty!" I think it's working. I'm so proud of myself!!!1!

I just found out the rodeo is when Emily's here. Woo hooooooo! I also successfully dodged another attempt by my apartment complex to stick a roommate in here. She was, like, a baby though, like, 18. That means when I was learning how to write cursive, she was being born. Yeah. So I just called the office after I talked to her on the phone and told them that she was too young. It seems like they're understanding where I'm coming from. So, good.

Tomorrow I'm getting a facial. I have a coupon. Actually, I have lots of coupons. So I will be getting a lot more facials and stuff. Hopefully this will solve my ugly face problem. Walking and dieting will solve my ugly body problem. And I will be searching for something to solve my procrastinating-about-school-stuff problem.

On a related note (self-improvement), I did go to church last week. I am definitely never going back to the Desert Valley Church. That girl pastor sucks. I'm no pastor myself, but my advice to her would be: do not put the phrase "bionic eyes" in a prayer EVER.

19 January 2006

Count Duckula

Ok I know I already posted today, but I just went for my nightly walk and in the mail was a new Netflix: Count Duckula!!! I vaguely remember this show from when I was a kid, and from what I remember, it is awesome. Like many of my favourite awesome shows from yesteryear, it dropped off the face of the earth until just recently (yet Wings is still around?? whatever). Here's the description:

"This clever animated series from creator Brian Cosgrove takes Daffy Duck and blends him with Count Dracula to get the incomparable Count Duckula, a web-footed ex-vampire who's replaced his thirst for blood with a serious yen for veggies (the result of an accidental ketchup transfusion). Accompanied by his butler, Igor, and his maid, Nanny, Duckula stalks the globe in search of the perfect adventure -- and he usually finds it."

Like I said, I don't remember much of this show, but you can clearly see it has to be awesome!!! One of the 9 episodes on this first dvd is entitled "Mutinous Penguins." Come on!! (Those penguins better not be harmed, by the way).

I forgot to mention that on my daily walk yesterday, I went to Tumamoc Hill, which is that hill I can see from my apt. with the observatory on top...yeah, turns out you can walk up it...the trails on the other side...anyways, I saw javelina! And a bunny. And last week I saw a fox there. That's more wildlife than I've seen on any of my middle-of-nowhere hikes! Maybe I will see a snake in AZ after all...

Movies about penguins...

I am just going to STOP trying to watch movies about penguins. It is just not worth it...all the anguish I feel over seeing their horrible lives and, more importantly, deaths. I got this movie from netflix, Cry of the Penguins. It's not a documentary. It's got a story line, so I figured it'd be ok. It was not. It was an old movie, guest starring Hayley Mills. This biologist, like, sees Hayley Mills and falls in love with her, but the biologist is un mujeriego, so she doesn't want to have anything to do with him. To impress her, because she's a biology student, he goes to Antarctica to study Adelie penguins. When he first gets to the barren, FREEZING wasteland, he's all pissed because he doesn't want to be there, AND there's not a penguin to be seen...yet. Finally when all the penguins come, he starts to love them, and he's really getting into the work and what not. (He does KILL one of them to do an autopsy, and that's pretty unforgivable, but moving on...) At one point, this helicopter comes to give him mail, and it scares the bejesus out of all the little penguins sooooo much that they all run to the water and leave. Then the biologist bitches the helicopter guys out hardcore, and they think he's a nutcase. But the penguins do come back. Well, you can guess what happens for the rest of the movie. No? You can't? Oh, well let me tell you: horrific penguin death all over the place. Yeah. It's actually part of the story line. It is a little different than a documentary in that the main character is feeling the same things you are, so it's not so sterile. At one point he even starts screaming at the predator birds ("I hate you! DIE DIE DIE!!!! and so on). Then he fashions a makeshift rock-slinging device and goes to the headquarters of the predator birds to try to kill them all. Of course it doesn't work because a)he's out of his damn mind, and b)these birds, unlike defenseless penguins, can fly. The one good thing I can say about the ending is that when he got back from Antarctica, the movie was over. Literally. Credits and all. Woo hooo!! No more awkward loveyness between him and Hayley Mills, who's now fallen for him because of the whole penguin trek. I am done with penguin movies, unless the movie is entitled Happy Penguin Does Happy Things All Day Long With No Death Ever (i.e. Meet Pingu).

I then watched Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous to cheer me up. It did not work. While I did watch the whole thing (I slept/fast forwarded through much of the penguin movie that did not contain actual penguins), it was predictably not as good as the original. Whatever, at least I saw it...I guess. I like that girl who plays Miss United States, though. She's cute. Sandra Bullock, predictably, is not.

I ordered my new computer yesterday. It won't be built until Jan 27th. Booooo....

15 January 2006

I need a new computer...

My computer is so ill that it won't even load certain webpages, namely Emily's B-Log. I know I have to get a new computer, but the stupid scholarship people haven't given me my damn money yet, dammit. So I have been researching what kind of computer to get, when I came across this interesting website. It gave certain coupon codes for certain companies...kind of like game cheats, only this is real life and important...and it seems less than legal. Whatever. I wasn't going to use the coupon codes because it's actually really complicated in that you have to get the computer price to equal an exact amount before they will work. BUT the website did provide some useful information regarding HP and student discounts. FYI: HP gives student discounts, BITCHES!!! You just have to put in your school and student ID# and you're good to go. So I think I'm going to get an HP because the discount is pretty significant. The only problem I'm running into now is that it doesn't seem like getting the computer with Microsoft Office is even an option, like, even if you pay more. It just doesn't even seem like something you can add. I think I'm going to call HP and inquire about that. I wonder if they're open on Sundays...? I've kind of been holding back since I don't actually have the money in my hot little hands (or bank account, whatever same thing) yet. It's been hard though. I really, really want to make this big (for me) purchase. Something about spending a big chunk of money that's both good and bad.

Speaking of big chunks of money...I have to do a major grocery shop today. I know Fry's and Walmart are both cheaper, but they're sooooo far...so, Safeway, you win this round. What? I didn't say "Albertson's," which is apparently the only supermarket my friend, Gene, shops at. I guess he's literally made of money or something. I'm not. I'm made of cells.

Interesting Observations While Lazing Around...

I was lazing around today and watching t.v. Made was on MTV, and it was an episode I had already seen. And I had plenty of getting ready to do, as Mary was on her way over, and I hadn't even showered yet. So of course, I kept watching t.v. Anyways, this girl from the Phoenix area wanted to be a dope rapper. Of course she was white...and in all higher-level classes...and played classical piano...you know, typical MTV Made BS. She was talking about how her family was highly matriarchal, and her mom was an artist. Then her mom showed this piece of art she made that was hanging on the wall. It was entitled Skeleton on Saguaro, and it was...a skeleton on a saguaro. BUT in the pelvis of the skeleton was a bird nest with pretty blue eggs in it. And climbing up the skeleton's leg was...you guessed it...a SNAKE, about to eat the eggs. HAHAHAHAHA...oh geez. The mom went on to explain the art and how it was all about attacks on motherhood or some shit...as if it wasn't already painfully obvious. Whatever, I'd still put it on my wall. What? It had a lot of nice colours in it...I just wouldn't explain the thing to anyone. If you can't figure THAT out, you can't be my friend. Seriously...and I'm not even good at symbolism interpretation...

So later on in that same show, the Made girl is sitting in her kitchen with her slammin' rapper coach, some "famous" dude from AZ apparently, and her mom, and she's reciting this rap she wrote for her battle with the Best Rapper in School, Ben Wiegel (skinny, white, dorky, computer-nerd-looking kid). He had already insulted her in a previous battle, so this rap was gratuitously vulgar and mean. Her mom's like, "That is so mean. You shouldn't say that about Ben Wiegel; I like him. He's a nice kid!" And she's like, "Mom! He said his DICK was going to be in my MOUTH!!" HAHAHAHA. Take that stupid artist mom. Can you imagine being that mom trying to picture this Craig-resembling kid telling her daughter that his dick was going to be in her mouth. HAHAHA. Maybe you had to see it, but since I can't actually see your face as you're reading this, I'm going to go ahead and assume that it's just as funny reading in on this B-Log.

I was also watching the Boondocks cartoon on the Cartoon Network, which is based on the newspaper comic of course. It was pretty funny, like the comic. I will try to recreate this scene for you:

The youngest grandson is trying to get his grandfather to agree to let Xibit pimp his ride and the home makeover people makeover his home.
Youngest Grandson (YG): Once this all goes down, you're going to be bitches.
Grandfather (G): What did you say??
YG: No, uh, I mean like, you're going to have so many bitches, people will, uh, call you Bitches...
Older Grandson (OG): Are you going to let him talk like that?
G: Well, just this once it's ok...
YG: You might as well change your middle name from Jebediah to Bitches!!!

HAHAHA...then for the rest of the episode, everyone kept calling the grandpa "Bitches." HAHAHAHA...I had previously thought that saying "Bitches" at the end of sentences was always funny (as in "Merry Christmas, Bitches!!!). While that is still true, apparently saying "Bitches" at any time is also funny, Bitches!

08 January 2006

Holiday Funfetti

I'm making cupcakes for my test tomorrow. You know, instead of studying. Whatever.

On a different note, I'm totally rethinking my stance on relationships due to a visit from a friend yesterday...

06 January 2006

New Year, Same (and New) Problems

Well, I'm still lazy. Too lazy to think of a resolution even. Oh well...I should really be cleaning, studying, or cleaning...or studying. Written comps are on Monday, and we're all meeting at Gene's (wooooo! Gene!!) to study. I can't wait to get there and be so unprepared that everyone thinks I'm a lazy slacker (which I am). I did get my closet squared away though. Nice. I have sooooo much crap. I am really going to throw a lot of stuff out tomorrow. Just throw it out. And not look back...I'm really going to miss all those empty boxes, plastic bags, and miscellaneous handled shopping bags (why did I save all that crap anyways?)...I also went through all my magazines and cut out anything (even vaguely) interesting to mail to J.Ray. I plan to get up early and do more stuff. Yeah.

I watched Vanity Fair. For the first half, I was like "why did Emily not like this?" I mean, what was wrong? Strong female character, lots of cool shades of red...? I really liked the main character, and so did everyone else in the movie. Everyone loved her! Especially the men, even though she wasn't a slut or anything. Awesome! Eventually everything unravels, which is fine, but come on! You gotta do it right. All of the sudden our strong, pretty female lead is groveling to her husband over little more than a misunderstanding. Then the movie gets worse. Characters just get killed off or put away somewhere. What's up with that. And those cool shade of red from earlier in the movie...they're still there...over and over and over. I like themes, but this was less of a theme and more like monotony. Whatever...

I also recently watched 40 Year Old Virgin, and although it wasn't my favourite movie of all time, it was aight. I always enjoy straight people arguing over who's gayer. That part was funny. (i.e. "You know how I know you're gay? You like Coldplay." "You know how I know you're gay? You have a rainbow bumper sticker on your car that says 'I like it when balls are in my face.'" HAHAHA...anyways)

Something else funny was when Brice said the word raucous, and I was like, "I never can pronounce that word." And he was like, "why? it's spelled r-o-u-c-k-o-u-s." HAHAHA! No it's not!